(PCM) Do your nails have an unsightly yellow tint from too much nail polish? Instead of covering it up with more polish and suffocating them even more, give your nails a little time to breathe! Constant nail polish may be depriving your nails of the oxygen they need to maintain their natural color.
For fast whitening, remove nail polish and soak your nails in warm water with a denture cleaning tablet like Polident, which will turn them white again in no time. Or, try soaking your fingertips in lemon juice which has also been shown to reduce yellowing. Always apply a clear base coat before applying nail polish to help prevent nails from yellowing or soaking up colors, and remember to periodically go natural and let your nails breathe!
If treatments do not work, or you don’t even wear nail polish, talk to your doctor to make sure you don’t have an underlying health condition.