Customers Pay It Forward For Two Days At A Florida Starbucks Location


(PCM) Proving that generosity is not dead, customers at a local Starbucks in St. Petersberg, Florida decided to pay it forward for two days when ordering their drinks in the drive-thru lane. Then of course, one person had to go an ruin the streak!

It began last Wednesday morning, when a woman in the drive-thru lane paid for her drink and then also paid for the drink of the person in the car behind her. That man, in turn returned the favor and purchased the drink for the car behind him and so on and so on. The trend went on for a whopping 378 cars!  It was good ol’ car 379 that finally broke the chain. When asked if she would like to participate by the Starbucks employee, the woman in car 379 declined.

You might think that was the end of it, but the same pay it forward attitude picked right up again on Thursday morning and ended around 2pm when a blogger drove through and purposely broke the pay it forward chain to prove a point.

He said on Twitter: “In case any of you are caught up in the Pay It Forward baloney at Starbucks. I just drove through the line, bought a venti mocha frap AND DID NOT PAY IT FORWARD. The chain is broken and this silliness should stop. (P.S. I tipped the baristas $100, just so you can’t call me a grinch.)”

However a barista that works in this particular Starbucks location claims that this type of pay it forward situation occurs quite frequently and prior to now their previous record was 141 cars.


PCM Lifestyle