Do You Fall for Food Packaging Tricks?

Think you’re too health conscious to fall for packaging tricks, like listing unrealistically small portion sizes to keep the number of calories down or “diet” and “all natural” claims? Sorry to break it to you, but according to a new marketing study, you’re not.

A study published in the Journal of Marketing found that those who are the most concerned about avoiding negative nutrients (i.e., excess calories and fat) are the most likely to fall for sneaky packaging tricks.

It’s a sneaky business, and we all fall victim to marketing tricks now and then. Read carefully, and pay attention to details. Just because something appears to be low in calories doesn’t mean it is. It may say 100 calories, but chances are you’re eating more than the tiny serving size. The serving size should be the first thing you look at. Then you should check the calories, fat, sugar and cholesterol to make sure it’s low. And look for higher number when it comes to protein and fiber!


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