Dr. Oz Reveals Lazy Girl’s 4-Step Guide to Getting Healthy

We can’t always dedicate the time we should to exercise and prepare the healthiest of meals, and Dr. Oz knows that. He knows that sometimes life can get in the way of living our healthiest, whether it’s because of a hectic schedule or simply because we’re being lazy. So he’s introduced a Lazy Girl’s 4-step Guide to Getting Healthy (not sure why it’s targeted toward women – we all know men are way lazier), revealing his tips and tricks so that even the laziest of us can improve our health without working out or cooking, and still see maximum results!

The 4 Steps:

1. Sleep more to protect your heart. Dr. Oz says about 1 out 3 people suffer from a form of insomnia, which can lead to excess cortisol production, increases stress levels and causing blood pressure to rise in turn. Excess cortisol can lead to arterial damage, aneurysm, and eventual heart failure.

2. Order in and eat right. Believe it or not, you can eat healthy at take-out and delivery restaurants, just as long as you know what to order! Keep it under 500 calories, and make sure it’s a high-protein meal (at least 30 grams), like a thin crust pizza with chicken, cheese, and vegetables, or a black bean burrito.

3. Eat dark chocolate and fight cancer. Dark chocolate with at least 70% cocao helps lower blood pressure, decrease cholesterol, improve blood flow to the brain and even helps prevent colon cancer.

4. Burn calories without stepping foot in a gym. Dr. Oz suggests standing whenever you can; you’ll burn an extra 50 calories an hour if you do. And that includes the bathroom! Try squatting instead of sitting on the toilet, and you can burn an extra 140 calories a day. While you’re at it, do an extra 20-30 squats and lunges in there!

Dr. Oz also recommends 4 quick health checks that anyone can do – even the laziest of us all! The most important things to check on the regular are your tongue for abnormal coloring, nails for white stripes, eyelids for bumps, and elbows and knees for rashes. For more information, visit DoctorOz.com!


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