Elle Macpherson Dishes About How She Keeps ‘The Body’ in Shape

Elle Macpherson has some great advice for staying fit and healthy: She isn’t motivated by a number on the scale or a certain dress size, her motivation is feeling joyful and strong, and that’s what drives her workouts and how she feeds her body. At nearly 50-years-old, she must be doing something right!

Elle scored the cover of the upcoming 20th anniversary edition of Fitness Magazine, and she looks joyful, strong, and absolutely gorgeous. She revealed her secrets to looking so good, from her workouts to what keeps her motivated day after day:

“I do an hour every day of some kind of physical activity. I mix it up. If I’m in the mountains I ski, if I’m near water I’ll swim. I might do a yoga or Spin class. I also take my running shoes and iPod with me wherever I go. Running is not only a really effective way to stay fit, it’s a sort of moving meditation and a great way to explore new towns when I’m traveling.

I’m almost 50, so I obviously don’t have the same body that I had when I was 20. But I also don’t have the same mindset either, when I was wracked with self-consciousness and insecurity. . . . My motivation is feeling joyful, inspired, passionate, patient, strong and healthy. That’s more important to me than hitting X number of pounds on the scale, and it’s what drives what I eat and how I work out.

“I ask myself, ‘Will I feel better or worse after a run or doing a sport?’ I can’t ever remember doing something physical and feeling worse.”

No matter what your reason for losing weight or getting fit is, finding something that truly motivates and inspires you to be healthy – not just a number on the scale – will help you reach the finish line.


PCM Lifestyle