Grumpy Neighbor Attempts To Shut Down A Kids Lemonade Stand


(PCM) 61 year old Doug Wilkey has become so fed up with a kid’s lemonade stand in his neighborhood that he has even gone as far as to call City Hall and the local authorities in an attempt to have it shut down.

The kid, 12 year old T.J. Guerrero runs the lemonade stand on a residential corner in his Dunedin, Florida neighborhood and says that he has received permission from the person who owns the home on the corner where the stand is located to post a sign on the lawn and run the table from 3-7pm.

Wilkey is calling the T.J.’s lemonade stand, which also sells homemade cookies and strawberry lemonade an “illegal business” and claims it creates excessive traffic in the area, as well as, noise, trash, illegal parking and other issues that reduce the value of his property.

T.J is running the stand in order to raise money pay for his cell phone bill and buy a few snacks and an iPod. Why someone would want to shut down a kid that is actually acting responsibly does not make a whole lot of sense to us, but to each their own we suppose.

Wilkey claims T.J’s friends made a lot of noise when hanging next to his stand with their skateboards, thrown rocks in his yard and also set off fireworks that scared his dog. T.J. denies this incidents and the Dunedin planning and development director from City Hall is siding with T.J. claiming that they are not in the business of regulating kids like that and do not want to put lemonade stands out of business.

T.J. no longer has his friends hang out with him at the stand due to Wilkey’s complaints and he only plans to run the lemonade stand until he turns 14 years old and can apply for a job at the local area supermarket.


PCM Lifestyle