Has Everyone Given Up on Their New Year’s Resolutions ALREADY??

A study by weight-loss firm XLS-Medical says unfortunately, yes. The study found that 92% of those who resolved to go on a diet and lose weight this year have already given up, shunning exercise and throwing their diet out the window.

People who make resolutions usually don’t fall off the wagon for about a month, but the dieters in this study said they couldn’t stick to their diet for more than 5 days because they were just too hungry. Chances are, they weren’t following very healthy diets and instead, went on restrictive diets which as always, are the hardest to stick with.

40% said their bad food habits began on Friday after work, and about two thirds admitted to ending their indulgent weekend with a traditional Sunday roast.  Other reasons for giving up included boredom and alcohol.

Unfortunately, a weekend of indulgences can completely undo any progress made during the week. And overall it was found only 5 percent of women stick to their diets until they’ve reached their target weight.

Dr Matt Capehorn, Clinical Director of the National Obesity Forum, believes the problem is that most people are just completely unaware of how disastrous one day off can be. He explains:

‘A healthy diet, aimed at losing 1lb per week, relies on saving 3500 calories a week by having 500 calories less each day.  A day off the diet should mean that you eat the correct amount, but many dieters see it as an excuse to binge and have thousands of calories more than they need.  They can easily end up having more excess calories in that one day than they have saved throughout the whole week of sticking to a diet.’

And that can make just about anyone say ‘screw it’! Instead of torturing yourself all week on a restrictive, low calorie diet, only to undo all your efforts over the weekend, find a diet that’s easy to stick to both during the week and on the weekend. A plan that offers flexibility is best. Weight Watchers is one of the easiest diets to follow because you’re working with points, sort of like a bank. With a certain amount of points allotted per week, you’re able to eat more certain days as long as your still within your weekly points, and no foods are completely off limits.

For others, a diet that restrics carbs but allows you to eat unlimited amounts of other foods works better, but it can be difficult to stick to a diet that completely bans certain food groups. Finding a diet that works best for you can be difficult and frustrating, but don’t give up! In the meantime, stick to whole foods, fill up on fruits and vegetables, exercise, and whatever you do, don’t use the weekend as an excuse to let loose!!


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