High School Elects Male Student As Prom Queen


(PCM) Throwing any type of gender stereotypes right out the window, Danbury High School in Connecticut elected openly gay male student Nasir Fleming as prom queen.

Fleming was listed on the ballot for both prom king and queen, however he opted to leave his name only on the ballot for queen because he wanted to use the prom king/queen competition as an opportunity to “satirize gender roles in our society”.

In an interview with Fox news in Connecticut, Fleming claims “the problem with America is we use proms to glorify how popular or how pretty someone is…so when someone’s not…the average prom queen, you know, a black person and a boy, it’s like the end of the world”.

The video the features Fleming accepting his prom queen title has began to go viral on the internet and it is claimed that the DJ at the prom would not allow the traditional prom king/queen dance to take place. Rohit Das who took the title of prom king claimed he had no issue dancing with Fleming saying “Just seeing him up there doing his thing, I couldn’t just not want to dance with him”.

Many people are already beginning to weigh in about Fleming’s prom queen win via social media with many showing their support and other’s sending out some pretty hateful backlash. As for Fleming, he is just living his life and sees not reason why individuals can not accept both their masculine and feminine sides equally.


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