This week’s I Love Food feature is BIG! And I am not talking about the 1988 comedy featuring a young and dashing Tom Hanks. Although we all know dancing on a floor piano would be the top story of our own day.
This “big” story is about one “big” slice. During my lunch break, I ventured to Benny Tudino’s in Hoboken. I shouldn’t really say ventured as it is right around the corner. Now, they advertise that they are “home of the biggest slice” and they were not kidding. I opened up my crinkly brown paper bag and was floored, “Oh Madonna Mia,” were the first words that came out of my mouth. (That basically means wow this slice is huge.)
I can’t say I was crazy about the actual taste of the pizza. I judge Italian places and pizzerias on their sauce. To me, sauce is like the eyes of the face. It is hard to enjoy your surroundings without that vital function. The same thing goes for pizza; it is hard to enjoy the rest of the ingredients when the main part is lacking.
I should also reveal the ultimate secret that I am not a fan of lots of oregano. For myself, a good gravy doesn’t taste like a cabinet of spices and flavors. The most amazing taste is when you bite into a fresh tomato sauce… kind of like a pomodoro sauce. Where the fresh tomatoes control the show, and the spices are just along for the ride.
Anyhoo, even though the pizza was “ok,” they definitely lived up to their promise. Besides the fact that it was only $3.50 a slice for basically half a pie, they even had two famous guests come in while I was eating. Chris Manzo and Chris Laurita from The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Unfortunately, I watch so much TV and know most of the New Jersey reality stars. (Doesn’t hurt that I work for a pop culture Web site.)
They plopped in the seat behind me, but as I was taking a picture for my I Love Food blog, the flash went off. It seemed to catch their attention and they turned to look at me. My attempt at seeming like a cool and composed closet fan was ruined as they assumed I was trying to sneak a picture of them. Too bad they do not know that I was more interested with the cheesey treat in front of me as opposed to their presence.
They quickly finished their pizza and headed out. Well, at least girls know where they can park it if they want a glimpse at a Manzo brother!