Illegal Baby Names from Around the World

Various baby names around the world have been banned for a number of reasons from taste to decency, to just plain absurdity. Seriously, if you think some of the celebrity baby names are ridiculous, wait until you see some of these! Here are the top illegal baby names.

Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii…yes, that was a little girl’s name for 9 years, before a judge had her re-named during a custody battle. The New Zealand law now bans names which could cause offence to a ‘reasonable’ person. Other names that have been blocked: Fish and Chips (twins), Yeah Detroit, Keenan Got Lucy and Sex Fruit. Number 16 Bus Shelter and Violence were allowed, however.

Venerdi AKA ‘Friday’(Italy). A court banned an Italian couple from naming their child Venerdi, which translates to Friday, because the judges ruled the name was taken from ‘Robinson Cruseo’ – which would expose the boy to mockery and was associated with ‘subservience and insecurity’. In fact, any name that’s likely to ‘limit social interaction and create insecurity’ is banned, including Andrea (as it’s a boy’s name in Italy) and Dalmata (as it means Dalmatian).

Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 (Sweden). I’m sorry, what was that? That is an actual name a Swedish couple tried to name their son in 1996! The name is apparently pronounced ‘Albin’ (?????), which was a protest against Sweden’s strict naming laws. Both first and surnames must be okayed by the government before they can be used. Other names banned include Metallica, IKEA, Veranda and Q. Google, however, was approved.

Chow Tow AKA ‘Smelly Head’ (Malaysia). Malaysian authorities are cracking down on unacceptable names, including Chow Tow which means ‘Smelly Head’. They also banned Ah Chwar (‘Snake’), Khiow Khoo (‘Hunchback’), Sor Chai (‘Insane’), and Woti, which means ‘Sexual Intercourse’.

For more ridiculous illegal baby names, click here!


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