Jessica Simpson is known for over-sharing from time to time – from comments about not brushing her teeth to farting 15 times more than average. The girl literally has no censor! But her recent admittance on how she keeps her hair so shiny is one thing we’re glad she shared…well, almost.
“I think that the best thing you can do for your hair is only wash it once a week,” the pregnant star revealed at her Lucky cover shoot. “If you clean your hair too much, it just strips down the natural oils.”
Once a week might be pushing it, but in reality, you shouldn’t wash your hair everyday. Most shampoos on the market contain foaming agents, fragrances, various amounts of chemicals and detergents – all stuff that strips your hair of its natural oils and dries it out. Plus the more you wash it, the more you have blow dry and style your hair, causing breakage and more dryness.
Unless you’re a gym rat or construction worker, there is no need to wash it everyday. Every other day or every three days is best – or what the hell, once a week if you can pull it off! Obviously if you have thin, oily hair, you’re probably going to have to wash it everyday.
If you do exercise (which you should be!), as long as it’s not super sweaty just give it a spray of dry shampoo underneath the hair and at the roots. This will soak up any build up and/or odors. Otherwise, try Jessica’s advice and wash in moderation!
(Photo credit Mario Anzuon – Reuters )