Jillian Michaels’ Fat Burning Food Tips

Jillian Michaels may have put her in-your-face training style on the back burner now that she’s welcomed two new children to her family, but she’s certainly not about to forgo her health or rock-hard body! Instead, she’s setting an example for all mothers out there that you can stay fit and healthy without spending hours at the gym.

She shared a few fat burning food tips on her Facebook page that anyone can do and will help your body get in fat burning mode. Check out her tips below!

Fat burning foods tip:

1. Fish Oil: Fish oil has so many health benefits and it turns out it also helps you burn fat! The fats in fish oil activate proteins in your body that increase fat burning for energy. You can use fish oil supplements or eat more seafood high in omega 3, like salmon and halibut.

2. Pomegranates: These fall fruits are packed with antioxidants called “anthocyanins” (an-tho-sigh-ah-nins). Not only are these great for your heart, there is evidence that they’re also fat-cell killers. Studies show that premature fat cells stop growing when they’re exposed to anthocyanins. These same potent antioxidants are also found in other red and purple fruit, like…

3. Berries: You don’t need an excuse to munch on strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries. They not only contain anthocyanins, they also contain polyphenols, which reduce your body’s absorption of specific starches and fats.



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