It’s time to pull out your shorts, skirts, and even swimsuits from hiding because whether you’re ready or not, summer weather is nearly here! That means it’s also time to bring your legs out of hiding…
Lauren Conrad shares her tips on getting skirt-ready legs so you can feel confident and beautiful in all your leg-bearing summer outfits:
With warmer temps in full swing and shorter hemlines on the horizon, here are a few of my personal tips for getting your stems spring and summer ready…
1. Exfoliate, exfoliate! I recommend Fresh’s Brown Sugar Body Polish or making your own. A great scrub will slough away dead skin cells, leaving your legs polished and primed for increased moisturizer absorption. To make your own, simply mix together olive oil and sea salt with a squeeze of lemon juice until it’s a thick paste.
2. Moisturize. Twice a day—once in the morning (after you shower) and once at night before bed.
3. Be mindful. Especially with what you put in your body! Before a big event and during the summer season I aim to really cut down my intake of salt and refined sugars. Staying hydrated is also really important if you want to reduce bloating and water retention.
4. Lunge, lift and squat. To keep your legs lovely year round, get in the habit of squeezing in a few sets of lunges, leg lifts and squats every day. This will totally pay off come summertime.
5. Keep it tan. Nothing slims your legs like a great tan! My favorite sunless tanner is by Kate Somerville, but I hear L’Oreal has great options too.
It’s true, nothing does slim your legs like a good sunless tanner! Even a little bronzer down the center of your legs will help slim and bronze your legs. But remember, the best way to get your legs summer-ready is with exercise and a healthy diet. Lunges, leg lifts and squats will help tone them up, but don’t forget to squeeze in 3-4 days of cardio too!
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