Man Consumes Ninety Five Pasta Meals In A Six Week Time Period


(PCM) A man by the name of Alan Martin from North Carolina was one of the very few individuals who was lucky enough to get his hands on one of Olive Garden’s Never Ending Pasta Passes back in September.

The restaurant chain was running a promotion which allowed individuals to purchase the Never Ending Pasta Pass for only $100. The promotion included all the pasta, salad, bread and Coca-Cola one could eat during a seven week time period.

The promotion was limited to only 1,000 people and Martin was one of those lucky 1,000 who is certainly making fantastic use of his pass. In the past six weeks, Martin has consumed 95 meals at Olive Garden, which totals out to be about $1,500 worth of food and beverages.

Martin has visited Olive Garden at least once a day, sometimes even twice a day and each time the restaurant treats him like royalty. Martin is hoping that he got the most value out of his card than anyone else.

He claims that he will continue to eat at Olive Garden twice a day until the pass expires in about another week … then perhaps he says he will be ready for a hamburger.


PCM Lifestyle