My Weight Loss Adventure Day 48

Today is a day of almost nothing to do. I already did the laundry and did some home work for school. I watched two episodes of CSI and now there is little left to occupy my time.

This is a difficult day for me. With not much to do, and nowhere to go, the temptation to eat high carbohydrate and high calorie foods is huge. Burgers, pies, French fries, pizza, all sound good right now and just for one meal. Did I mention Ice Cream? I definitely want ice cream. This is not a good thing and something that I must do my best at controlling. In fact it must be beyond my best and I must hit radical behavior modification.

It is beautiful outside. Cool and sunny with temperatures just right. After writing this it is time to go out and see what is occurring outside and enjoy some of the things in life that cost little to no money. There is more to this world than food. I will go and find it


PCM Lifestyle