My Weight Loss Adventure Day 58

There will only be a short column today. I am really feeling sick. I am at work but things are going very slowly and my brain is just not functioning well.

This is the time that the team we have put together can come into play. You call your doctor and let him or her know what is going on with you. If they want to see you, don’t put it off, go and get seen. If the doctor doesn’t seems to think there is anything to worry about but feels an over the counter medication may help, go and get that. This is a great time to get to know your pharmacist by asking him if he has recommendations or is there any difference between the generic brand or the main brand. These are questions most pharmacists are happy to help you with.

Put you first, when you are sick. You are no use to anyone ill, and to be honest I have found that most co-workers resent it when you come in with a cold or the flu. They don’t want to get sick. Also if you do go in to work, do everyone a favor by washing your hands as often as is feasible and wipe down the things you touch that others may touch as well. Basically it’s easier to stay home as you protect both yourself and your co-workers.

I know I am not contagious, so my being here at work does not threaten anyone. However I have called the doc and will go if he wants to see me. I have alerted my supervisor of this possibility. These are the simple practical ways of taking care of yourself and others.


PCM Lifestyle