Yesterday went well. I exercised and ate pretty well, three meals with one snack. I did have liverwurst for lunch but that was with a few crackers and cranberry juice so I think that was ok. I had a small cherry water ice for a snack.
Yesterday I mall walked. Now mall walking is a great idea. You are weather protected and in the summer it’s cool and in the winter it’s warm. A lot of malls have a mall walking schedule. They open the doors to the mall a few hours before the actual stores open so you can walk without being in the way of shoppers, and if you have an issue with compulsive buying, you can’t do that because the stores are closed.
Another good thing about mall walking is that it is a straight flat surface. You can vary your speed of walking, picking up the pace or slowing down, without worrying about slopes and other variables. I think this is a great thing for beginners at exercising. Another good thing is that there always other people there, so it constitutes a safe environment. I enjoyed the walk.
Today I am not feeling very well. So exercise will have to wait until whatever this is passes. I’ve got a headache fever and body aches. Now normally this would be an excuse to eat what I want, but I am breaking that pattern today by eating right. Exercise will have to wait. If this passes by this afternoon I will exercise, if not it will wait until tomorrow. Common sense needs to be a guide for when to push yourself and when not too.
If you are someone out there alone trying to get the pounds off, I encourage you to get in touch with me. You don’t have to do this alone. Every hero needs help and don’t be mistaken, if you are working to get weight off, you are a hero.