Picky Eaters? Try This!

If you’re dealing with a few picky eaters at the dinner table, or can’t seem to get to your little one to eat anything other than chicken nuggets and pizza, it’s time to get them in the kitchen! Studies show that kids who lend a hand in the kitchen are more likely to eat what is prepared, and are more likely to make healthier food choices at home, in school, and throughout life.

Researchers from the University of Alberta surveyed fifth graders in 151 schools to learn about their cooking experiences and food choices. They discovered that while most children preferred fruits to vegetables, those who helped with the cooking at home showed a greater preference for both. The research also showed those “who did meal prep and cooking were more confident about the importance of making healthier food choices.”

“Kids who like fruits and vegetables more tend to eat them more frequently and have better diets,” said lead author Yen Li Chu, a post-doctoral fellow in the School of Public Health. “These data show that encouraging kids to get involved in meal preparation could be an effective health promotion strategy for schools and parents.”

Children don’t need to be whipping up soufflés or fruit tarts; even the simplest of tasks will make a difference. Have them measure ingredients, mash potatoes, wash vegetables, mix batters – anything that doesn’t require knives or hot stoves, and watch in amazement as even the pickiest eaters start enjoying what they once wouldn’t touch.


PCM Lifestyle