Re-Incorporating Quiet Time…Meditation Transforms San Francisco’s Toughest Schools

Russell-Brand1(PCM) You may think that quiet time in school went out the window once you were out of grade school, however new studies are showing the incorporating time each day for transcendental meditation has worked wonders in some of San Francisco’s toughest schools.

With the addition of what the schools are actually calling “Quiet Time”, the schools have seen better attendance, better grades, and a significant drop in the amount of violence incidents among the student population.

The way it works is fairly simple. Students close their eyes and empty their minds to the sound of a gong, which goes off twice a day. The study has been such a success in the schools that have incorporated it thus far, that additional schools have no jumped on board and are reporting similar results.

Transcendental meditation is said to allow your mind to settle into a state of pure awareness, known as transcendental consciousness. In this state, the body is at its most relaxed, and the brain supposedly has the greatest access to its creative energy. Practitioners claim that the meditations give them a creative edge, allowing them to be more focused throughout the day and access innovative ideas.

The program even boasts several celebrity supporters including Russell Brand and film director David Lynch.


PCM Lifestyle