Rockin’ Christmas Decorations

Tis’ the season for decking the halls, putting up the tree, and searching the attic to get the Christmas lights out for the holiday season. If you’re looking to spice up your outdoor Christmas decorations this year, why not sync up a soundtrack to make things more exciting? With a little hard work, creativity, and some Christmas spirit, you can have the coolest Christmas display on the block!

Projector Lights
Sound/Light Systems


Step 1: Decide how big of a display you want to have.

A channel is a unit of lights that can be controlled individually and all of the lights in a channel work together. A single bush usually requires about one channel so take that into consideration before deciding how complicated of a light display you would like to design.

Step 2: Prepare your materials.

The best time to shop for lights is the day after Christmas because there are usually a lot of sales. Check out the Christmas Tree Shop, Wal-Mart, and even the dollar store for bargain priced lights.

Step 3: Obtain a control system.

You will need to find a hardware system that hooks up to your computer which will allow you to control the lights. Fully built systems can be purchased but there are several cheaper alternatives as well including do-it-yourself kits. Do-it-yourself kits cost about $5 per channel but require more time to set up compared to a fully built kit that costs about $20-$25 per channel. Pick the option the works best with your budget and time frame!

Step 4: Get software.

Commercial products are available for purchase but free software is sometimes available with the do-it-yourself kits.

Step 5: Design your light display.

Here comes the creative part! Map out your design and decide which type of lights you would like to use. Mini or net lights look great on landscaping and icicles work best hanging off the roof. Incoporate decorative tree lights or reindeer to add to your display. The possiblities are endless!

Step 6:Program your light show.

Programming your show will be the most time consuming part, so if you haven’t started yet you may want to consider waiting until next year unless you plan on designing a very simple display. Pick the music you would like to use and being programming on your time grid. This process can take a month or more depending on how many channels you would like to synchronize to music.

Step 7: Bring in the noise.

One of the most practical ways to allow visitors to listen to your music is by broadcasting it over an FM frequency. Most FM transmitters broadcast at a very low power and will not cause interference. The FCC allows the usage of transmitters 200 feet away from the house without a license. Broadcasting on the radio will also prevent problems with the neighbors because listening to the same song over and over again can get a little annoying!

Step 8: Hit the lights.

Make sure that your house has enough energy to power your display. A typical mini light strand, for example, draws about 1/3 amp. Check to make sure that you are following your neighborhood’s safety standards!

Step 9: Get the word out.

Tell your friends, family, neighbors, and everyone else that you want to come stop by your display! Consider making a website or posting flyers to advertise your masterpiece.

Step 10: Set it up and maintain your display.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you being setting up your display, it can be hard work! Once it’s done be sure to check on it everyday to keep things running smoothly.

Synchronizing music to your Christmas lights can take a lot of work and preparation but is definitely worth it! Don’t worry if there is not enough time to decorate this year, you’re only a click away from hundreds of festive videos featuring some amazing Christmas displays. Happy decorating!


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