You may have started your spring cleaning already, scrubbing floors and cleaning underneath the beds, and kudos to you! You’re off to a good start, but don’t forget about the little things. There are some often-overlooked places that could use a good cleaning, where germs and bacteria can lurk and seriously threaten your health!
Here are some of the most overlooked places that you don’t want to forget to clean:
Water Bottles. Reusable water bottles are smart for the environment and you wallet, but not so much for your health if you forget to clean them. The damp enclosed space is a breeding ground for germs, so you should wash your bottle every day with hot water and soap.
Yoga Mats. If you roll your mat back up and put it in its bag after a workout, you’re encouraging bacterial growth! Let it dry out when you get home, and wipe it down regularly as well. And always keep your mat to yourself! If you use shared mats at the gym, always lay your towel down on top.
Computer Keyboards/laptops. If you use your computer every day, whether it’s a desktop, laptop, or even an iPad, you’re constantly transferring germs back and forth between your hands and the keyboard. Don’t forget about wiping this down with antibacterial wipes at least once a week. Always turn off and unplug the device first, and follow electronic manual.
Reusable Grocery Bags. A 2010 study found that more than half of eco-friendly reusable totes are contaminated with bacteria, possibly even E. coli! Yuck. 97% of the shoppers said they never wash their bags, so that explains that. Throw your reusable bags in the wash once in a while!
Handbags and wallets. Your purse goes everywhere with you – public transportation, bathrooms, stores, and then back home with you – just think about it! Microbiologist Chuck Gerba told ABC News, “We found fecal bacteria you normally find on the floor of restroom. We found bacteria that can cause skin infections on the bottom of purses. What’s more amazing is the large numbers we find on the bottom of purses, which indicates that they can be picking up a lot of other germs like cold viruses or viruses that cause diarrhea.”
Wipe down your bag and wallet with antibacterial wipes – both inside and out! You may want to wipe down your credit cards while you’re at it, too.
Gym bags. Same deal as above, except all those warm gym clothes hanging out inside make it a lot germier. Regularly empty out your entire bag and air it out, and wash it with hot water and soap or disinfecting wipes at least once a week.
Sponges. The germiest thing in your house – public health and safety firm NSF International found that 72 percent of sponges and dishrags were contaminated with bacteria that can cause food poisoning! Zap wet sponges in the microwave for a minute to kill germs, or throw it in the dishwasher.
Cellphones. A study found fecal matter on one in six cell phones last year. Gross. Wipe down your phone daily with a disinfecting wipe!
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