(PCM) Who ever said napping wasn’t a good form of exercise? This might just be one type of workout routine we can actually get behind! The U.K. based David Lloyd Gym is now offering “napercise” classes, which they are branding as a exercise class, however all it actually consists of is adult nap time in a room full of strangers!
The hour long classes include a 15 minute time frame for stretches and then 45 minutes of laying down to take a nap. Those that sign up for the class are given a small bed, comforter, and eye mask to help create the best sleep possible.
According to the David Lloyd Gym website:
“Napercise is scientifically designed to reinvigorate the mind, improve moods and even burn the odd calorie.The frantic nature of modern life means that few of us seem to get enough sleep, and if you’re a parent, [a good night’s rest] becomes even more of a luxury. The development of Napercise is inspired by past academic studies into the important health benefits that napping in the day can bring.”
While we are not sure that we would actually need a class in napping, it sure does give busy people an excuse to go to the gym, even if it is only to catch some much needed shut-eye!