Want To Live To 110? The Secret Could Be Three Beers A Day


(PCM) According to supercentenarian Agnes Fenton, who just celebrated her 110th birthday this past week, God, whiskey and three beers per day contain the secret to living a long and healthy life. Just make sure it’s Miller High Life!

Fenton began consuming three beers per day after she suffered a health scare surrounding a benign tumor about 70 years ago. When she was discharged from the doctor’s care he gave her some parting advice that she carried with her which was “Agnes, you must drink three Miller High Lifes per day!” Agnes followed the doctor’s orders and even added in a glass of whiskey per day as well.

Fenton has kept up this regime for decades until recently when caregivers were forced to remove all alcohol from her diet as she is now eating a lot less. Fenton resides in Englewood, NJ where she worked as a nanny caring for more than 40 children over the years.  She says that she turned 100 years old she went to the mirror to thank God for allowing her to still be here and continues to thank him each and every morning.  She is quoted as saying “He gave me a long life and a good life, and I have nothing to complain about.”


PCM Lifestyle