What’s Dirtier Than The Bathroom?

When you think of the dirtiest, most germ-infested places, you usually think of bathrooms, right? Well, here’s a scary fact: A new study from the University of Arizona says that grocery cart handles are dirtier than bathrooms, and half of them carry E. coli! Gross!

Most grocery stores have a sanitation station near the carts and baskets, so always take advantage of these and be sure to wipe down the cart well, especially if you have children riding in it. To be safe, make sure you carry some type of antibacterial wipe in your purse in case the store is out of wipes, or just use a little antibacterial gel and tissue if you have it. If you’re not in the habit of carrying this stuff in your purse – get on it! Germs lurk everywhere, and while you don’t want to overdo it, it’s good to be safe and have it for those extra germy situations.

Always refrain from touching your face or eating anything in the store, and wash your hands as soon as you get home – even before unloading the groceries. And don’t forget to properly clean and store your produce!


PCM Lifestyle