Jillian Michaels has been pretty vague over her reasons for leaving The Biggest Loser after 11 seasons on the show…until now! She opened up to Prevention Magazine on why she needed to leave the show:
“One of the problems with Loser is that it doesn’t give the audience the 360 [view] of what’s going on. It doesn’t show the deeper conversations or the interview where you explain why you did this or that, because they don’t think it makes good TV. People didn’t get that this was a job that I was doing in a very specific environment with a group of individuals who are, quite frankly, committing suicide. It’s very different from who I am in my personal life. I say to people, ‘If you’re a lawyer, do you interrogate your children? If you’re a scientist, do you run experiments on your kids?’ People have a hard time understanding that that job is a very special one that requires a specific skill set. And I think I did it very well. But now people underestimate my soft side. That’s a big reason why I needed to leave the show.”
Now cohosting ‘The Doctors’, you could say she’s making an even bigger difference than she did training on ‘Loser’. Sure, she saved contestant’s lives on that show, not to mention inspired home viewers to get off the couch and lose some weight. But now, she has the opportunity to help an array of people – not just the obese population. We can’t forget about the skinny people out there trying to add some muscle, and what about people who just want to lose 10-15 pounds?! ‘Biggest Loser’ just doesn’t cover everyone.
Jillian can now help the millions of viewers who tune into ‘The Doctors’ everyday, and show that soft side she swears she has! Tune in if you haven’t caught an episode yet – it’s actually pretty funny to watch Jillian’s reaction to some of the medical topics (she’s the only cohost who isn’t a doctor)!