Why Runners Shouldn’t Run Away from Fats

(PCM) Everyone needs fat in their diet (the healthy kind, not the stuff found in fried foods and baked goods), but it’s especially important for runners and athletes.

Monounsaturated fat, like that found in avocados, can help keep your body strong and injury-free. Researchers at the University of Buffalo found that competitive female runners with less than 20 percent fat in their diet were more likely to suffer injuries than those who consumed at least 31 percent.

Extreme low-fat diets can weaken muscles and joints, making runners more prone to injury and muscle soreness. Plus, monounsaturated fats have been linked to lower abdominal fat! A stronger body and less belly fat? Bring on the avocados! Add a few slices of avocado to your salad, or make an avocado spread for sandwiches in place of mayonnaise and other unhealthy condiments.

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