(PCM) It can be pretty stressful this time of the year now that summer is over, kids are back in school, and the dreadful cold and flu season is lurking just around the corner. While daily massages, personal chefs, and a live-in nanny would all be ideal in a stress-free world, let’s face it: that’s not happening! When you need to reduce stress fast try these quick, easy tips:
Drink black tea. Black tea has been shown to reverse the body’s physical responses to stress. According to Dr. Oz, a study found that while men who regularly drank black tea still responded to stress, their bodies calmed down and reversed the physical responses to stress faster than did guys who drank the placebo.
Chew gum. A study of more than 2,000 workers found that people who chewed gum had lower levels of stress. The study was funded by a gum company, but that doesn’t mean it’s not legit, and what’s the harm in popping a piece of gum in your mouth? If it doesn’t work, at least you’ll have fresh breath.
Pet your dog. Just petting your dog for a few minutes can cause your body to release feel-good hormones like serotonin, prolactin, and oxytocin, and at the same time decrease the amount of stress hormones that are released.
Surround yourself with funny people. Or visit your favorite funny website, watch a funny YouTube clip, or call up a funny friend. Laughing relaxes your blood vessels and increases blood flow – the opposite of what happens when you’re tense – so you’ll reduce stress quickly. Even just thinking about having a good laugh can help lower stress hormones.
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