7 Out of 10 Women Admit to Putting Makeup on Before Going to the Gym

(PCM) Oh, come on! 7 out of 10? That means that 70 percent of women actually take the time to apply makeup before their sweat session, and that doesn’t even count the women who go to the gym straight from work who probably don’t take their makeup off, either. And why would they when other women are getting all dolled up for the occasion?

According to the new poll, mascara is the most popular workout makeup, with two out of five admitting to lengthening their lashes before a workout. In second place is foundation, with 34 percent of women looking for that flawless complexion while hitting the weights, and 21 percent don’t leave the house without lip gloss.

But, wait! Let’s not forget about a fake tan. Despite the risk of streaking, smelling like fake tanner, and looking like a pumpkin, 17 percent of women apply a fake tan before hitting the gym!

The total time spent beautifying for the gym? At least 15 minutes, with one in four admitting to spending even longer than that to prepare to sweat.


PCM Lifestyle