People Living to Age 90 Has Tripled in the United States

(PCM) Due to increases in life expectancy, the older population in the United States is growing fast: The number of nonagenarians – people in their 90s – has tripled, according to a recent study by the U.S. Department of Commerce.

So who’s living to age 90 and beyond? The study found that most of the 90+ population are caucasian, graduated high school, and are covered by health insurance. Researchers also found that women outnumber men nearly 3 to 1.

What’s more, nonagenarians aren’t just living to 90, they’re still relatively healthy. “Today a person 90 years of age is expected to live on average another 4.6 years (versus 3.2 years in 1929–1931), and those who pass the century mark are projected to live another 2.3 years,” write researchers. In other words: once you hit 90, you’re life expectancy increases to 95!

The key to living longer is to live a healthy lifestyle while you’re young, including:

Exercising regularly
Eating a healthy, nutritious diet full of fruits and vegetables
Sleeping (7 to 8 hours a night)
Avoiding trans fats, saturated fats, processed foods, and too much sugar
Not smoking or drinking excessively
Staying on top of annual check-ups
Managing stress
Having friends
Being social
Playing video games!?

Friendships: The Key to Longevity?

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PCM Lifestyle