Have you ever deleted a picture from your camera, or forced a friend to take a photo down from Facebook because you thought you looked fat? You’re not alone; in fact, the majority of women admit to doing it. A new study from Fitness Magazine and Yahoo! reveals the sad truth about women’s perceptions of their bodies. In fact, 44 percent of women literally think they would be happier at their ideal weight, with more than half of women wanting to lose 10 pounds or more. Sorry ladies, but losing weight alone won’t make you happy – at least not in the long run!
Will the average woman ever really be happy and confident with her body? Nearly 75 percent of women compare themselves to other women on a daily basis, and it’s not necessarily to make themselves feel better; one third think other women are thinner than they are. Does that mean that no matter how much weight a girl can lose, she’ll still always worry she’s not thin enough?
Sadly, only 17 percent of women reported never feeling fat, leaving the remaining 83 percent of women feeling bad about their body, with about half having an “I feel fat” day at least once a week.
For more shocking stats, check out the survey at fitnessmagazine.com.