Bring on the Bad Breath: Garlic is a Superfood You Don’t Want to Skip

It might not give you the best breath, and may even stink up the whole kitchen, but garlic is one super food you don’t want to miss out on.

What’s so special about garlic? Garlic is full of health benefits, from its antioxidant power to Allicin, an antibacterial and antifungal compound that is produced by the plant as a defense against pests. Inside in your body, Allicin helps fights cancer, strengthens your cardiovascular system, decreases fat storage, and fights acne inflammation. Garlic is also an antioxidant, and can help protect against free radicals, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

According to Men’s Health, to activate the most possible allicin, you have to crush the garlic as finely as possible. Peel the cloves, then use the side of a knife to crush the garlic before carefully mincing. Cooked garlic has more potency in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels, but even raw garlic has its benefits. It can be used to kill bacteria, and used as an anti-infection treatment on skin conditions caused by bacteria, virus, funi or yeast simply by rubbing raw, chopped garlic on the area!

Don’t let a litte bad breath get in the way of the super powers garlic can provide!


PCM Lifestyle