Can Your Horoscope Help You Lose Weight?

There are diets based on your body shape, age, blood type, and now…your birthday?

The Saturn Sisters believe that our astrological makeup effects more than just our personality; our bodies are deeply affected by our signs, too. They break down the best diet and exercise routines for each sign, including common body issues, ailments, and foods to avoid.

Aries Diet (March 21 – April 19):

Body Issues
Prone to migraines and tension headaches, you tend to let everything go right to your head. To avoid painful spells, stay aware of your breathing, avoid cigarettes and make sure your significant other rubs your temples when you feel an ache coming on. A dab of lavender essential oil on pulse points soothes the Arian soul.

Your body craves brain food: lots of fish (rich in omega 3s), fresh berries and yogurt. Keep your mind in high gear from morning to night by starting the day with protein. Luckily, you’re spry and have a fast metabolism, so as long as you stay active you’re not likely to put on too much weight, even if you indulge once in a while.

You were born with more energy than all other signs of the zodiac put together, but you tend to expend it in furious bursts of firepower. Instead of exhausting yourself in a mad dash, aim for exercise that requires a steady pace and gets your heart rate up safely. Try kickboxing to get your aggression out; balance it with power yoga.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Body Issues
As the most sensual sign of the zodiac, Taureans have little shame about their bodies and crave pleasure with pride. (We should all follow your example.) Curves aren’t a problem for you. In fact, you often choose outfits that accentuate your lovely hourglass shape. Don’t let anyone thwart your self-expression – it can cause a painful sore throat or neck ache. (Taurus rules the throat area.)

You’re a meat-and-potatoes kind of girl in the most dignified way. Ruled by Venus, Taurus women can put away the Lumberjack Special with ease, but that doesn’t mean you should make a habit of it. To avoid sluggishness, eat lots of fresh fruit, steamed veggies and summer soups. Ginger, black pepper and cayenne will keep you lively.

Face it, Taurus: You’re not the biggest fan of movement. A beach chaise and a cocktail are much more your speed than a cardio fitness class. You might consider hiring a personal trainer, even if it’s just once a week. You need someone to inspire you to get up and go.

Get your astrological diet here!


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