Could Bananas Be The Cause Of Your Headaches?

(PCM) If you suffer from frequent headaches or migraines, you’re probably well aware of the common trigger foods – chocolate, alcohol, caffeine – but you may not have considered this one!

Bananas contain a substance called tyramine, which can trigger a migraine in people who are sensitive to it. Most of the tyramine is found in the banana peel – 10 times more than in the pulp. Avoid the stringy pieces that get stuck on the banana fruit, to be safe, and start paying attention to this fruit and how it plays into your headaches. You’ll want to watch out for certain types of cheese. Though there isn’t much research on cheese as a migraine trigger, experts agree that aged cheese is more likely to cause a headache, according to Everyday Health.

Aged cheese contains the same substance as bananas do. Tyramine forms in cheese at the proteins break down over time, so the longer a cheese ages, the more tyramine is contains. The worst offenders? Blue cheese, Swiss, cheddar, gouda and parmesan.


PCM Lifestyle