Diet Pepsi Reveals A Major Change


(PCM) Over the years the Pepsi company has noticed a huge decline in the sale of Diet Pepsi mostly due to the side effects and health risks associated with their use of the artificial sweetener aspartame. This is all about to change with Pepsi’s announcement that Diet Pepsi is officially going aspartame free!

This is a huge move in the right direction for the company and they even plan to place large lettering on the cans that read “Now Aspartame Free”. The reason that it has taken the change so long to take place is that Pepsi has been attempting to formulate a new recipe for a low-calorie sweetener that would still keep the taste of Diet Pepsi the same.

The new recipe formula they have discovered is a mixture of sucralose and ace-K that will take the place of the aspartame. The new formula Diet Pepsi is scheduled to hit store shelves sometime in August and executives for Pepsi say the taste is still going to be exactly the same.

The Coca-Cola company has also seen a decline in sales of Diet Coke over the years due to the same problem with aspartame, however there has been no word if Pepsi’s rival company plans to make a similar change with their Diet soda product as well.


PCM Lifestyle