Food to Get You in the Mood this Valentine’s Day

This Valentine’s Day, spice things up in the bedroom like never before…with food! You’ve probably heard the rumors before and yes, they are true – certain foods and spices have aphrodisiac properties. An aphrodisiac is something that acts on the mind causing arousal and increased sexual desire. The name appropriately derives from Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love.

So get in the kitchen and put a little sizzle in your love life with these foods tonight!

Hot Chilies – Hot peppers contain capsaicin, a substance that releases endorphins, stimulates nerve endings and increases heart rate. Add these for a little spice in the kitchen and in the bedroom!

Almonds, Asparagus and Avocados – The vitamin E in these foods help your body pump out hormones like testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone, which circulate in your bloodstream and stimulate sexual responses. Avocados are also high in EFA’s and B-vitamins for hormone balance, and folic acid which is good for the heart and gives you energy in the bedroom.

Bananas – This suggestive fruit contains the bromelain enzyme, which is believed to increase libido and reverse impotence in men! They are also high in potassium and B vitamins, which increase the body’s overall energy levels and muscle strength.

Garlic – It might not give you the best breath, but garlic contains allicin which improves blood flow to the sex organs, making it a highly effective herb to help increase libido.

Goji Berries – They improve mood and well being and increase testosterone production.

Chocolate – Cocoa contains the chemical phenylethylamine, a stimulant that releases “feel good” endorphins, plus magnesium which is good for the heart and women’s libido. A healthy heart means better circulation, and that means better sex drive.

Cardamom – This deliciously exotic spice has a reputation in its home country of India for being an aphrodisiac. Cardamom is high in cineole, which stimulates the nervous system.

Pumpkin Seeds – High in zinc, which is necessary for testosterone production, pumpkin seeds are essential for the libido in both men and women.

Celery – This crunchy vegetable contains androsterone, a hormone naturally produced in males that turns on women. Get munchin’ men!

Oysters – These popular shellfish are loaded with zinc, a mineral that cranks up the production of testosterone. Zinc deficiency can cause impotence in men, so eat up!

Pomegranates – This fruit is full of antioxidants, which protect the lining of blood vessels, allowing more blood to course through them. This means increased sensitivity for you and your partner.

Red Wine. Red wine contains resveratrol, an antioxidant that helps boost blood flow and improves circulation. Just don’t overdo it or you’ll risk falling asleep and missing out on the hot benefits!

Salmon and Walnuts – They’re packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which keep sex-hormone production at its peak. Pumpkin seeds and flaxseeds are other good sources, too.

Vanilla – Don’t skip dessert this Valentine’s Day. Have a scoop of vanilla ice cream – it mildly stimulates nerves, making sensations feel even better!

Basil – The smell of it alone is said to be an aphrodisiac. The taste is also known to stimulate desire and increase the heart rate. Don’t leave this one out of Valentine’s Day dinner!



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