Forget Subway – The ‘Starbucks Diet’ Helps Woman Lose 85 Pounds

(PCM) Starbucks may get a bad rap for their high-calorie beverage concoctions – not to mention those muffins, scones, and other calorie-dense baked goodies – but you can get your daily Starbucks fix and still manage to lose weight; in fact, you can eat there for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and watch the pounds fall off!

At least that’s what a 66-year-old woman from Virginia claims. She says she’s been eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner at Starbucks for the past two years because they offer “really healthy choices.” She used their calorie-labeled foods to keep track of her daily calories, and even managed to squeeze in a brownie here and there! A typical day on her diet included oatmeal and black coffee for breakfast, and a bistro box (snack pack of cheeses, breads and fruit, or a panini) for lunch and dinner. On days when she went for a bike ride, she would even treat herself to a brownie.

“Nothing hurts any more. I used to attribute some of my aches and pains to aging. I have no medical issues whatsoever. I just feel like a kid again,” she said.

Weight loss is an individual journey; what works for one person may not work for another, and let’s face it, not a lot of people could eat the same thing day in and day out for two years. It certainly doesn’t seem very exciting – who wants to eat oatmeal every morning for 2 whole years? But if you’re always on the go, and you can stand monotony, it might just work for you!

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PCM Lifestyle