(PCM) Processed sugar is one of the worst things you can put in your body, and not just because it causes weight gain and diabetes. It also speeds up the aging process! Yes, sugar makes you look older – if not now, somewhere down the line.
Dermatologists avoid it like the plague. Processed sugar, found in everything from sweetened cereals and yogurts to breads and muffins, binds to and eventually weakens the collagen in your skin – a major cause of premature wrinkles and sagging.
The Halloween candy reserved for trick-or-treaters suddenly doesn’t seem so tempting, does it?
However, it doesn’t mean you have to avoid table sugar all together…you just have to move it to the bathroom! Forget those expensive exfoliating products; believe it or not, all you need is a homemade sugar scrub. Just add a handful of white sugar to your favorite mild cleanser and gently slather it on your face and body. Simple, affordable, and a great way to get the sugar out of the kitchen!
Get Your Sweet Tooth Under Control and Lower Your Cancer Risk
Are You Guzzling Down Too Many Calories?