Is There a Magical Ingredient That Burns Fat After All?!

There might be, and it’s probably somewhere in your fridge right now!

Sure, there’s no such thing as a magic pill for weight loss; no matter what kind of supplement you take or diet pill you’re prescribed, long-term weight loss has to be a combination of a healthy diet and exercise. However, new research from the University of Minnesota has found that eating foods rich in vitamin D can help speed weight loss by 70 percent. Now that’s a pretty powerful contribution!

Researchers put 38 obese people on an 11-week diet where they consumed 750 calories less than their estimated daily need. That kind of reduction will cause weight loss alone, but those whose blood levels of vitamin D were higher at the study’s start lost 70 percent more weight than participants whose blood levels of D were lower.

Foods rich in vitamin D include:
Salmon, Mackerel, Tuna (in oil), Sole, Flounder, Sardines, Milk, Egg yolks, Cheese, Beef liver, Pork, Fortified Cereals, and Mushrooms


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