Is Your Beauty Routine Making You Break Out?

Acne exists well passed your teenage years, and your beauty routine may be to blame! In fact, it has a clinical name: Acne Cosmetica! It’s most common on the face, neck, hairline and scalp.

Luckily, you do have control over what you put on your face and hair. First thing’s first – stop covering up acne with more products! This can definitely do more harm than good, by not allowing the acne-prone area to breathe. Second, make sure you’re applying your makeup with a clean brush. Can’t remember the last time you bought a new brush or cleaned your old one? It’s time to clean it! Makeup brushes are constantly collecting leftover makeup, bacteria, and yeast, which can lead to a type of acne called Folliculitis. Make sure you’re cleaning them at least once a week.

And finally, don’t forget about your pillow case. If you’re going to bed with products in your hair – oils, creams, etc. – that’s going to rub off onto your pillow and then, you guessed it: onto your face! It’s best to put a clean towel over your pillow every night to prevent buildup, or change your pillow case at least once a week, if not every few days.


PCM Lifestyle