Jessica Biel has to work hard for her body, and that means she’s pretty much always on some kind of boring diet and working out like, well, an actress. But that doesn’t mean it comes easy! The Total Recall star appeared on BBC’s Graham Norton show and talked about what it’s like to be on her diet. Her honesty is refreshing, and funny too. At last, we get to see the that Jessica Biel does in fact have a personality, and in some ways is just like the rest of us…
“It’s [dieting] the hardest experience, it really is. You’re eating a lot of boring stuff, chicken breasts and vegetables all the time, but it’s cakes, and pastas, and breads, and sandwiches, and croissants, and it’s just like in your head, all the time, it’s all you can think about.”
Biel admits that when she cracks, she cracks in a BIG way. But then she says it happens once a week, and somehow I doubt that! During a night out with friends in NYC (on a cheat day, of course), she made the driver pull over as they passed a Dunkin’ Donuts:
“I ran in, I got 24 donuts, went to the pizza joint, got two large giant pizzas, and I sat in that car and I put as much bread and dough in my mouth as I could possibly manage. It was the best moment.”
She obviously didn’t eat all the food herself, and I’m sure there were plenty of leftovers. But it’s nice to know that even Biel derails from her diet now and then, in a big, wonderful way!