Whether you love her or hate her, you have to admit that Jillian Michaels knows a thing or two about weightloss and fitness. If you’re not a fan of Jillan on Facebook, you’re missing out. She’s constantly updating her page with health and fitness tips, and while some may be generic, others are inspirational and definitely worth reading! Here’s her latest weightloss tip, about how to curb cravings and feel full longer.
“3 Tips to help you be less hungry: Eat 5 walnuts or 8 almonds before a meal (roughly 65 cal) to stimulate production of cholecystokinin, a hormone that slows your stomach from emptying so you feel fuller much longer. Brush your teeth frequently – at least 3-4 times a day. Not only will this give you a great smile and keep your breath fresh, but you’re much less likely to want a snack after brushing your teeth. Limit yourself to 3 bites of anything you crave then wait 15 minutes b4 taking another bite. This will give your body a chance to register the satiety & curb your cravings!”
FYI: Brushing your teeth more than 3 or 4 times a day is excessive, and not recommended by dentists; you can actually wear down the enamel with too much brushing. So keep it to 3 times a day – not 4 – and you’re good to go!