A study in the International Journal of Obesity involving 1,429 members of the National Weight Control Registry (people who have lost 30 pounds or more and kept it off for at least a year) examined whether it was more effective to stick to the same diet over the course of a week or diet more strictly on weekdays. Results show that those who reported being consistent with their eating plans all week were 1.5 times more likely to keep their weight within 5 pounds of their previous year’s weight, compared with those who allowed more wiggle room on weekends.
That doesn’t mean you have to be super strict all 7 days of the week. But it’s more effective to be consistent all 7 days and not be as strict, than to be super strict with your diet for 5 days and let yourself have cheat meals on the weekend. You could end up undoing all the hard work you put in during the week – if not more! Some people do fine when it comes to strict diets that allow them to eat whatever they want once a week, but for others, it can really set them back and lead to extra pounds. If you find that you’re not losing any weight, even though you’re killing it during the week, it’s time for a change.
Instead of killing yourself during the work week by restricting calories too low and not allowing bread or a dessert here and there, stick to something you can do longterm – on the weekends, over holidays, and even through special occasions. It’s about making a lifestyle change, not dieting or indulging depending on the day of the week!