Kristin Chenoweth Talks Life Lessons in Revealing New Interview

Kristin Chenoweth, multi-award winning star of stage and screen, opens up in a revealing interview with Allison Kugel of, in which she talks about the sacrifices she’s made along her bumpy road to success. But every experience the ‘GCB’ star has had along the way has made her the strong, successful woman she is today, and taught her some valuable life lessons, too.

“I have a lot of young people asking me how I got to be where I am today. It’s probably the biggest question I get asked. What I want to leave them with and what I want to leave the audience with is that I’m still learning. I’ve learned a lot, but I have a lot to go. I don’t think we ever stop learning. It’s called life. ”

Everything good that comes to you in life, you’ve got to work for and you have to be thankful for. Sometimes that’s not always easy to remember when you’re going through the hard crap; nobody wants to do that.”

In fact, Kristin says she it hasn’t always been easy, and she’s quick to admit that she struggled with depression in her past. She reveals:

“I have battled depression in my past, and I’ve been very open about the fact that everything is not perfect, and that nobody’s life is. What I have also learned is that people don’t want to hear that I would have a problem or a bad day. They think, “Oh, she’s got this great life.” And yes I do and I’ve been blessed, and I’m thankful. But that doesn’t mean that it has been easy and that there have not been times when I wanted to just quit.”

The greatest lesson she’s learned in life? Don’t sweat the small stuff! She says:

“I will tell you that as I get older, I realize that all of the things that I used to worry and fret about, it matters less to me. Advice I was given [when I was] growing up, by my father, was, “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” I used to roll my eyes at that and think, “Well he just doesn’t get it.” But it was me who didn’t get it. Now I get it. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Life’s so short. If you believe, like I do, that we’re only here a brief time so we might as well enjoy it and learn, and do the best we can. So don’t sweat the small stuff, because a lot of times we can’t change it anyway.”

Such great advice! Read the in-depth interview at


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