A lot of people turn to high-protein/low-carb diets when they want to lose weight, but how effective is the weight loss trend? Protein is an important part of the weight loss formula, but for the most part, any diet that cuts out an entire food group is going to be difficult to stick to; that includes Atkins and South Beach. Eliminating carbohydrates from the diet may help you lose weight initially, but in the long run, you’ll probably gain it back…and yo-yo dieting is a dangerous cycle.
A low carbohydrate diet will cause your body to burn fat for fuel, known as ketosis, but it is often associated with headaches, irritability, nausea, kidney trouble, and heart palpitations. You may feel less hungry and lose weight, but chances are you’re going to be too pissed off to enjoy it (or stick to it). In the long run, these high protein diets can even cause high cholesterol, heart disease, osteoporosis, and kidney disease!
Protein is important for weight loss – it keeps you full longer, speeds up the metabolism, and feeds your muscles – but don’t consume so much of it that you’re losing key nutrients found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, especially fiber! Fiber is a key component in long-term weight loss. It helps fill you up, keep you regular, and can even reduce your visceral fat accumulation. Many high-protein diets are low in fiber AND high in saturated fat, a combination that can increase cholesterol levels and raise the risk of heart disease and stroke. It is not recommended for weight loss by the American Heart Association.
The one good thing about low-carb diets is that it cuts out a lot of sugary, processed foods – something we all need to cut back on, if not completely eliminate from our diets. If you cut back on simple carbs like white bread and replace them with lean protein like eggs and tuna, you’ll lose weight. But if you’re swapping lots of bacon and cheese for bread and candy, you’re really not doing yourself any favors.
Bottom line: This is a trend you may want to skip. The formula for permanent weight loss is a healthy, balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein!