My Weight Loss Adventure Day 18

Today I was thinking about want and need. We live in a crazy world, where things and the accumulation of things can, at times, become obsessive. The desire for the best computer or IPOD or IPAD, or tablet or TV set, all get a bit out of control and many of us have credit card bills to prove it. The same principles apply to food.

Craig Groeschel, pastor of Life Church.TV, an on line based church, in his series on Samson, stated that we all have the same attitude toward the things that get us in trouble, one of the statements he made was “I can handle it.” When it comes to food and eating stuff we don’t really need there is, at least for me, a very clear feeling of, “This won’t matter, I can eat it and it will have no effect.” If that doesn’t work my mind goes to I deserve it. I work hard all day and this box of sticky buns with butter will relieve my stress. In other words, not only can I handle it, but in the long run, it will be beneficial. These are the lies we tell ourselves. To quote Groeschel completely, “I want it, I deserve and I can handle it.” Many time when thoughts like these enter our minds they are nothing but lies that can truly hurt us.

The truth is, much of we want, we really don’t deserve or need, and we truly can’t handle it. This applies very specifically to food. As a society we have decided that “comfort foods” are part of our deserving areas, we hurt emotionally and so we eat. Macaroni and Cheese, mashed potatoes are all on our lists of comfort foods. And comfort food varies from person to person. When a strong wave of depression hits me, I want to go to McDonald’s and in fact I will tell myself, I need to go to McDonald’s. This is a lie and to be quite frank, the McDonald’s high last seconds and then I am still in the grip of depression. It really doesn’t work.

The point is, from this time forward to be honest with ourselves. We need to be so committed to the cause that we walk away from the bad foods that we want, but will hurt us. We need to stay focused on our goal and remember, we may want it, but we don’t deserve it and we can’t handle it.


PCM Lifestyle