My Weight Loss Adventure day 23

Last night I checked Amazon for the price, including shipping and handling, of the item that I wanted to reward myself with for staying on this adventure with you. The total was $17.95 and yesterday I laid aside dollar # 18 and so I am ready to buy.

The mystery is what I was intending to buy in the first place. The answer is the last season of The Sarah Jane Adventures. Sarah Jane Smith came to my attention in 1979 when my friend, Jim Ritter, introduced me to Doctor Who. I am not going to go through exactly who or what Doctor Who is, but let it be enough to say that he in a time traveling hero who always has a companion with him. Sarah Jane was the Doctor’s companion for a number of years in the 70s and then thirty years later when the show was brought back, Sarah Jane came back with it. First as a guest star and then as a spin off series of her own.

The actress who played Sarah, Elizabeth Sladen, was able to do four and a half season of her program. She was diagnosed with cancer and died last year. This may sound sad, but her life is inspiring. Miss Sladen told her director and producer about what was happening to her, but not her fellow cast members, they were young, and she did not want to scare or upset them. She got through half of the fifth season before she passed. Miss Sladen was 60 years old. As you can see from the photo a very young and vibrant sixty.

I wanted to tell you about Eliziabeth Sladen because of her attitude about life and her ability to keep hold of joy in the face of death. I don’t know if anyone of you is facing death and I hope not, but you may be facing dieting or other life changing choices, and Elizabeth Sladen proves you do not half to face this downcast and depressed, but there is the ability to find joy. Joy isn’t always easy to find, but if you start making every day count. If you start by making the most of every moment and realizing that the time we all have is very short, you will find joy. As Auntie Mame said in both the play and the musical, “Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death.” Today begin to eat life.


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