Losing weight is combination of will power as well as activities. The willpower is the ability to resist the urge to eat, while the activities keep your mind occupied and on other thing other than the desire for food. Both are important components to the work that needs to done.
Yesterday, at church, pastor Eric talked about are jobs as good and something that can even help us deal with our pasts by keeping our minds occupied. The brain is an incredible important part of dealing with the past and the present, when our minds are occupied we have the opportunity to see and find new things. The more new things we find to get involved with the more we our drawn away from the desire to do things that are harmful to us.
All of that being said, yesterday I had the opportunity to start working for my favorite company. It’s a part time and very small way, but still, I am part of an American institution as I began working for The Disney Store.
No matter how you feel about the ways the Disney Company has gone since Walt died, the company still remains and fascinating and a part of people’s lives across the world. They exist to make money, but along with that is the rare ability to draw families together. Whether you are an adult with kids or a kid with adults that mark of Disney means that you are all in a safe place with each other.
Disney movies have taught me many lessons, especially on how to deal with people and how to be a friend. It was a Disney movie that taught me to always look for the best in people especially when it is hard to find. Disney also taught me that even the grumpiest people just need a small amount of encouragement to come out of themselves. Disney taught me that every woman is a princess and every man a hero and that every person deserves and needs love. This served me well in the 20 plus years I spent in the medical field as well as where I am now.
So now I get to work for the company that has already given me so much. Maybe my entrance into Disney will be the beginning of a permanent place within its ranks. But even if I don’t stay I will have been part of something that has influenced me more than almost anything else on earth. That is an honor and a privilege.
Have a magical day!