(PCM) Despite a rather large social media campaign spearheaded by a fan, Nintendo says it will not allow gay characters or same-sex relationships in its’ new game Tomodatchi Life.
The game is a real-life simulation game features a cast of “Mii” characters living on a virtual island. If you recall, a “Mii” is an animated avatar based on actual people. The game will allow users to populate their island with the “Mii characters of family, friends or anyone else you can think of”.
The game is already a huge hit in Japan and is slated for release here in the States this June.
Nintendo claims that they “never intended to make any form of social commentary” with the game and that “the relationship options in the game represent a playful alternate world rather than a real-life simulation”.
Tye Marini, the gay fan who launched the campaign for Nintendo to allow gay characters, claims that since his virtual avatar in the game will not be able to marry he will miss out on exclusive content. He would like to be able to marry his real-life fiance in the game, however he is blocked from doing so because it would be a same-sex marriage.
In an AP interview Marini, says “it’s more of an issue for this game because the characters are supposed to be a representation of your real life. You import your personalized characters into the game. You name them. You give them a personality. You give them a voice. They just can’t fall in love if they’re gay.”
Nintendo claims they have heard and thoughtfully considered all the points brought up by the campaign and are thankful for the feedback.