The O-Shot May Improve Sexual Satisfaction For Women

O-Shot2(PCM)  Using growth factors derived from a woman’s own blood, physician researchers Drs. Samuel Wood and Charles Runels have developed a simple, office-based procedure that appears to markedly improve the quality of a woman’s sexual response called the O-Shot™

The procedure which will involve an injection of platelet-derived growth factors (PDGFs) into a specific area on the upper wall of the vagina and the clitoris. As scary as it sounds it is a relatively simple procedure and the administration of PDGFs appear to safe, with the use of a local anesthetic the O-Shot™ itself is associated with minimal discomfort.

The procedure is completely natural and there appear to be very few side effects. While most results from the procedure are witnessed almost immediately, the full effect may take about three weeks to full kick-in as that is the time it takes for the tissue to finish growing.

“The most important factor in the success of this procedure is the correct placement of the injections. When these same growth factors were injected into the putative ‘G-Spot,’ we saw minimal or no improvement in sexual function, but when injected into an area distinct from the traditionally defined G-Spot, the response has been surprising, robust and consistent,” said Dr. Wood.

The O-Shot™ is still in clinical trails at this time and more research needs to be conducted before it will become widely available to patients. Fewer that 20% of women are able to experience a vaginal orgasm during sexual intercourse, so it is the hope that with the injection of growth factors into the upper wall of the vagina and clitoris it will greatly assist in raising the number of orgasm’s received by females during sexual activity.

The shot is said to cost around $1,500 dollars and at this time is not covered by insurance.


PCM Lifestyle