Sarah Michelle Gellar has an inspirational mindset on dieting and body image – something a lot of people obsess over during the holiday season: Instead of living your life by the number on the scale, put yourself first and take time to enjoy life!
The ‘Ringer’ star says she suffers from body dysmorphic disorder just like a lot of women do, but she’s not letting her life revolve around her body image: “I totally have body dysmorphic disorder. I think most women do,” Gellar tells Health. “I just have to remember that I’m human, and I’m a mom. Being a parent changes the vanity at least a little bit.”
She still exercises, but doesn’t feel the need to kill herself working out 5 days a week anymore. She stays in shape with pilates, running on the treadmill and avoiding junk food. And one thing you’ll never see Gellar resort to is hanging pictures of thin models and celebrities who inspire her. “I would never do that to myself, especially because I’m aware of the airbrushing and trainers and food programs,” she says. “You have to use yourself as inspiration.” If only all young women realized this!
Gellar used to let her body obsession take over her life, but she refuses to live her life that way today.
“I wish I could say I was in the best shape of my life right now, but I don’t put the same pressure on myself that I used to.
You can’t live your life by the scale. We don’t even have one in our house. I’ve never believed in them, because your weight fluctuates. It’s more about how my clothing fits than a number. Besides, if you deny yourself everything because you’re so focused on the mirror or the scale, then when do you get to enjoy life?”
“I care only that I’m healthy. Besides, I’m not an actor who is known for her body necessarily. I hope I have a few other things going for me.”
The actress has been married to Freddie Prince Jr. since 2002, and together, with their 2-year-old daughter in tote, make sure to eat fresh, organic and local food. They even use coupons!
“Freddie and I go to the supermarket probably every day, because we like to eat fresh, organic and local,” says Gellar. “People think it’s so expensive to eat like that, but there are ways to do it so it’s not as pricey.
“We shop at Whole Foods, but we ask which fish is on sale. On sale doesn’t mean it’s bad! It probably just means it’s over-caught. And I clip coupons all the time. Why should you pay more for something that someone else is paying less for?”
And no matter what, Gellar says, put yourself first. “We all have good days and bad days, and since you can’t please everybody, try to please yourself first,” she says. – Words to live by this holiday season!